一天下来,我就成了 Peanut Girl. 这是 Snoopy 网站上关于 Lucy 的信息:

Lucy Van Pelt works hard at being bossy, crabby and selfish. She is loud and yells a lot. Her smiles and motives are rarely pure. She's a know-it-all who dispenses advice whether you want it or not--and for Charlie Brown, there's a charge. She's a fussbudget, in the true sense of the word. She's a real grouch, with only one or two soft spots, and both of them may be Schroeder, who prefers Beethoven. As she sees it, hers is the only way. The absence of logic in her arguments holds a kind of shining lunacy. When it comes to compliments, Lucy only likes receiving them. If she's paying one--or even smiling--she's probably up to something devious.
1 comment:
没有啊,“逢场作戏”啦。:)不过,dont' misunderestimate me. :) 你要和我斗嘴骂大街,还不知鹿死谁手。
再说,sports is a whole new ball game. ;) Once you are "in", you turn into a completely new person altogether. There is no false pretense, no manners, no self-consciousness. Ultimately, that's the healing power of sports. Otherwise, who is going to pay their hard-earned money just to make the millionaire players and billionaire owners even richer. :))
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