Saturday, December 25, 2010

All Done :)

Now off to the party we go!

Friday, December 24, 2010


忙了一天。:) 早上爬起来就啃翻译,中间勉强连上VPN查了E,给两个俄国人发了E,也回了Chris的E。转发全组,谁该忙啥忙啥去,然后我就一个click,断掉VPN。买菜都懒得去,在家里1)。吃东西 2)。洗衣 3)中间接家人朋友祝福电话若干 4)上网胡说 5)。然后一天就是翻译啦!正文都搞完了,只剩下一个结语,明后天Party之余,有空就可以弄完,万一喝多了弄不成,星期一肯定可以完工。



Monday, December 06, 2010

The Mantle Strategy :)

Too busy to update this, but would like to write something to push down the turkey pictures. :)

The best way to combat a hectic schedule? Find something else to work on, to take your mind off the most urgent matter.

I call it the Mantle Strategy. :) If your mind keeps focusing on the core, it's very exhausting; if you do something that's too easy, such as the crust, your mind will still keep going back to the hard core, and you'd still be exhausted.

So the best way to rest is to do something in between: hard enough to focus on, but easy enough not to tire you. Hence the Mantle Strategy. :)

For me, the Mantle is translating. Half intellectual, half mechanical. Calms me down, relieves some of the stress, makes me feel that I'm doing something yet without causing extra stress.

Just received the contract from the publisher and I'm already half way through the entire thing. It was meant for the snow season and snow hasn't even arrived yet. (Don't want to jinx it though! No snow! Long live global warming!!!!) :)