Striking beauty and brutal reality of life, strong bond between members of a couple, a family, a clan, and the whole species. Predetermined drive to march, to migrate, to feed, to love, to mate and to nurture. Predetermined, and to be repeated again. All we could do is to follow our programmer and do the best we can and try to enjoy every moment of it.
Think you've got it hard? Try put things into perspective.
Only the French can make a documentary so beautiful and sentimental. And philosophical too. :)
斗胆又去了那家海鲜餐厅。上次"Red Tide", 令我咳破喉咙。胃口还是没有,最近体重降得太多,若是那企鹅爹妈,怕是存不下足够的过冬的养份。:)
东张西望几回,看 waitress里有没有马慧元那样的人物。:) 然后假设自己是马慧元,让她来看着我这个心不在焉、没有食欲的食客,知道她会笑我无聊,于是自己便笑了。:)

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