Wednesday, August 17, 2005








菊子 said...


Csárdás! -The Tango of the East.

Both dances allow a glimpse into the soul of people of a Nation: the Csárdás shows the temperament of Hungarians and Slovaks, the Tango embodies the spirit of Argentineans. These dances may be symbolized as the agents for national cultural identity.

The man and woman mostly hold and embrace each other in close proximity, often in a romantic way.

The Csárdás and the Tango are both rooted in folklore and have exciting regional variants.
Both dances emerged as fashionable entertainment, reaching fad proportions at their height of popularity.

There are slow and fast versions for these dances. The role of the male is clearly defined to be the leader in both dances, the female's role is to follow her partner instinctively.

In both dances, the style of a good male dancer is dynamic and masculine, while the woman shines with her femininity.

Both dances show and demand great individuality.

Although these dances have been danced for many decades, they are always fresh and they continue to develop due to their highly improvisational nature.

菊子 said...

Bohemia - the state of mind and way of life began in about 1830, the year of literary and political revolution and continued until 1914, the year in which the 19th century really ended. For men of genius and distinction like Gautier, Baudelaire, and Verlaine, Bohemia was a golden but transient experience.It was a time and place where artists of all types spent their lives outside society, choosing penury, squalor and freedom over prosperity and convention.

"The Spirit of Bohemia" focuses on what we consider to be the true Bohemia - Paris of the 1800's - the original Bohemian period. Here you will also find London of the late 1800's, as well as several 20th century periods including post-World War II, the Beat and Psychedelic movements.

The Bohemian, strictly speaking, is a native of Bohemia, a gipsy who leads a vagabond and independent life.

Bohemians have come to include all those artists and musicians, actors and poets, of every degree, who choose to lead a life outside society.

The would-be writer in his garret in the Latin Quarter, the perpetual student on the Left Bank, the misfit with artistic pretentions, the noctambulist, the dandy on the fringe of cultural life: all of them are naturalised Bohemians.

菊子 said...


