Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Road to Perdition

Paul Newman, Tom Hanks, Judd Law ...

演员都不错,但不喜欢整个故事。暴力的故事,实在是很难让我喜欢,虽然有时候也同情他们:比如说一个强人的儿子总是令他失望(Paul Newman),比如说老爹的养子总是比自己能干得体、得到老爹的欣赏(Conner),比如说老板虽然是自己的救命恩人,事到临头他依旧还是会向着自己的儿子。

电影的结尾还是和平的,有希望的,但是,整个电影,如果没有名演员的支撑,就不够吸引人:The characters did not earn us enough sympathy to make us feel their pain and conflicts.

背景是大萧条,暗示他们走上黑道是因为经济困境。我对此不同情。以杀人为生,你再爱你的儿子又怎么样:Your job is killing other people's sons, so how noble can your love for your son be?

原来JUDD LAW 是这个样子。Not my type, I‘m sorry。Maybe it was because the role was too unflattery - I'm not going to like a man who is "shooting" a dead man, with blood on his own face, however handsome that face might be. (And his face is not even that handsome - too much white in his eyes.:LOL:)


Anonymous said...

Juzi, Hi from the other coast!

So you haven't watched "Cold Mountain". I bet you'll like Jude Law's role in that movie, and it may change your impression of him. But agian, some people are just love-at-first-sight type, right? :-)


菊子 said...

Lao Guang:

Nice to "see" you! Saw you clamming on the beach the other day.

I have "Cold Mountain" right on the desk but still have to find time to watch it. I will give him a benefit of the doubt; it all depends on the role of course.