缪塞的评价:she is still the most womanly woman I have ever known.
"For if undoubtedly she was a great woman, it is precisely as a woman, not as a writer or social reformer, that she is thought to have been great. She is remembered for inventing a new type of female, which she achieved, paradoxically, in a top hat, while smoking a cigar."
"We found her unconvincing as an artist, convincing as a great woman - but the great woman was the artist's creation."
乔治桑和缪塞是天生的 legend creators: they intended their affair to be convertible into literature, and they advertised it as literature almost from the start.
亨利詹姆斯对乔治桑的评价:Naked in the Market Place: Madame Sand could give pretty precise readings of a state that even British writers on the level of Austen, Scott, and Dickens were not equiped to record, namely sexual passion. ... their letters revealed the process by which "private ecstasies and pains are transmuted into promising literary material."
第二部 以1887年为界限
4. Cluster 4 Saint-Beuve the critic: 嫉妒有原创能力的作家,勾引雨果夫人以示报复;生理缺陷导致心理不健全(生殖器畸形)。
Leontine de Caillavet, 父亲为奥地利犹太人,银行家。显然不算漂亮哦,居然一张照片画像都找不到。:)儿子加斯东是 Marcel Proust的好朋友。
Anatole France
Marcel Proust
法国文学史上最伟大的分手小说:阿道夫The greatest breakup novel in French literature: Benjamin Constant’s Adolphe.
Anatole France: 阿那托勒˙法朗斯 Antatole France(1921诺贝尔文学奖得主)
Anatole France
The Red Lily: an example of emotion recollected in tranquility. 平静以后回忆过去的激情
(a)我又在这里看人家(b)一一对照原作者(c)的书和信,岂不是三级无聊。你在这里看abc, 又是更高一级的无聊。
:)glamorize his entire story - audience: Middle class women
Fashion, high politics, compusory opera scene (but he is an opera hater :)) --but this is all irrelevant. The story is one of erotic fascination.
one part roman mondain, one part roman d'analyse, one part comedy of manners - a tale of doomed desire - 1894
两个罗曼司的共同之处: the couple's mutual and self-inflicted tortures are portrayed as part and parcel of love. - Anatole France: it is only through jealousy that love becomes passionate; the passion springs from the imagination of betrayal.
Chapter 5 The Unseen Leaf
Jeanne Pouquet and Marcel Proust(半犹太血统)

Jeanne Pouquet 是普劳斯特《追忆似水年华》中 Gilberte Swann 的原型。Jeanne Pouquet嫁的是Leontine de Caillavet的儿子加斯东,普劳斯特的好朋友。;)瞧这个乱。
Jeanne Pouquet - Gilberte Swann: to provide both the first experience and the terminal reconsideration of heartbreak - unrequited love
love --> boredom and disillusionment, a sort of shrinkage of the word
France: obsession with erotic wounding
Proust: sadistic love-tactics
Love, as a succession of French writers have been telling us all down the century,l is a way of remembering; if memory is strongest when it bruises, then Eros must be allowed to sharpen his teeth and leave his nails unpared.
lovesick and wounded, a supplicant, a man on his knees :)
"For me, the dead live. For me, this is true for love, and also for friendship."
Unconsummated experience -- For the middle-aged matron, with a history of family life and an established lover, such non-consummation was an emptiness, a blank; for the lonely bachelor writer it was the void at the heart of existence.
The real cause of his amorous desperation was not his hopeless love for Jeanne but the fact of his being homosexual
文字不仅仅是描述经验,而且也 generate and embody it.文字使实际经验更为丰富多彩。
总结:4 or 5 curative themes that hold their lives together:
1. Benjamin Constant: the inherent imbalance of all sexual relations
2. George Sand: the need to have lived, to have experienced love deeply
3. the problem of veracity - in seeking it one may come to terms with the necessary, but also relenting, beauty of the past
4. the most important thing is always missing in a lover's description of his love
5. the terrible difficulty of seeing into another person's soul and of baring one's own
The old technology for his act of reciprocal exposure was the lover letter penned in ink, 但是电话的发明结束了情书时代。- sabotaging an entire style of courtship
普劳斯特:爱是一种记忆,记忆是一种爱 love is a way of remembering, memory a way of loving
Rich in harmony at any given moment, Proust's water-treading prose rarely drives toward resolution, and it probably has to be understood in chamber-music terms, in terms derived from Faure or Debussy. This, of course, is the way we want love to be - we want it to develop but also to stand still. The moment when the boy in Combray stops and stares at little Gilberte is fraught with infinite consequences, like some marvelous, exotic chord, but it will never have any decisive outcome. It is a relevation, very nearly the final one in this tradition, of the musicality of love.
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