不漂亮,有钱,有头脑,胳膊漂亮,声音美丽,Constant 十年后象肖邦离开乔治桑一样离开她
Chapter 2, Cluster 2:
Madame Recamier, 雷卡米耶夫人,沙龙是在一家尼姑庵/修道院, 1819-1849 之间是她的沙龙
Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand(夏多布里昂), Benjamin Constant(本杰明·贡斯当), Eugene Delacroix(欧仁·德拉克罗瓦), Alexis de Tocqueville(托克维尔), Alphonse de Lamartine(拉马丁), Prosper Merimee(梅里美), and Sainte-Beuve(圣伯夫( Saint-Beuve ,1804-1869)
漂亮,自己没有wit, 却有办法抛砖引玉
与夏多布里昂中年时做过两年情人,老年后,每天由人在她的沙龙中朗读夏新创作的《墓中日记》.墓中日记内容庞杂,唯一不变的主题是夏多布里昂对拿破仑的抵抗: The pen's opposition to the sword.
法国美人,怎么有点像中国武林高手 ——谁都是天下第一。:)

His brilliant patter is charming, of course, but much of the charm lies in her awareness that it cannot be true. This awareness is exciting because the relation between the deceiver and the deceived is essentially erotic, a sort of restatement, in purely verbal terms, of the relation between the seducer and the seduced. And just as Juliette, in playing along with her admirer, assumes the traditional feminine role, so those readers who enjoy his imposture yield, willy-nilly, to their own feminization. That is why reading Chateaubriand is always a fascinating experience, and one from which the reader is very likely to emerge with lowered self-respect.
家庭作业:电影:Adolphe de Benjamin Constant(2002)
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