这是我喜欢的电影:充分地描写了战争的残酷,但描写残酷 serves a purpose. 末了,它是对生命的肯定,对爱情的肯定。
He came back a different man. Jodie Foster spoke of her husband. He cannot have children of his own. 所以他让她去和他的好朋友试试能不能生第六个孩子。有了六个孩子,他就不用再回前线。结果孩子没有,他却被嫉妒烧得难以自持。
For France, Charge!
两个弱女子,一个为了自己的爱人去暗杀那些伤害了她丈夫的官僚,一个痴情地找啊,等啊,终于找到了自己的爱人。他没有得健忘症。他说:Does it hurt when you walk. 小时候他问过她的那句话。
Audrey Tautou
1 comment:
I remember reading a novel, a long time ago, about the tension between a French and a German soldier. They are so similar, yet at that particular time and place, only one is supposed to survive.
I don't remember the ending. Too many times, they both perish.
The difference of the movie "The Longest Engagement" though, is not about how the soldiers feel about it. It's about how their women feel about it. How the war broke their men, and in turn, broke their lives.
But it did not break their spirits. They would not give up hope and love. And they triumphed. :)
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