Sunday, February 18, 2007

1. Check; 2. Sylvia Plath: Widow

1. Check

老板有个夏屋,笑话夏屋的邻居,一个夏天住在那里,家里有四个小秃子,爹妈也不带他们上湖里玩;好不容易见到他们出船了,老板的老婆就说:water sports: check. 带儿子们下过湖,一个夏天就算打发了,任务就完成了。

我们也 check 了:总算有了一点点雪,也总算有了一点点时间,拖了大毛二毛,去村里的小park玩 sledding. 那里人很多,也都是爹妈们在 check.

这个 check,还是从二毛那里学来的。我问二毛什么事情,他不说 yes,只说 check, check 几回以后,我总算明白了他的意思。:)


2. Sylvia Plath: Widow

又过了一年,我又见到她。三十出头的女人,已是半头的白发,怀中两个年幼的孩子。小儿子拿起玩具电话,装着拨号,说,I want to call my daddy. 他永远不会有关于父亲的记忆。



她脸上还是笑着,说,This is our support group. We are all, you know, widows.

Widow. 这一个字就如闪电一般击垮了我,眼泪哗地涌了出来。





By Sylvia Plath.

Widow. The word consumes itself-
Body, a sheet of newsprint on the fire
Levitating a numb minute in the updraft
Over the scalding, red topography
that will put her heart out like an only eye.

Widow. The dead syllable, with its shadow
Of an echo, exposes the panel on the wall
Behind which the secret passage lies-stale air,
Fusty rememberances, the coiled-spring stair
That opens at the top into nothing at all....

Widow. The bitter spider sits
And sits in the center of her loveless spokes.
Death is the dress she wears, her hat and her collar.
The moth-face of her husband, moonwhite and ill,
Circles her like a prey she'd love to kill

A second time, to have him near again-
A paper image to lay against her heart
The way she laid his letters, till they grew warm and seemed to give her warmth, like live skin. But it is she who is paper now, warmed by no one.

Widow: that great, vacant estate!
The voice of God is full of draftiness,
Promising simply the hard staresm the space
Of immortal blackness between stars
And no bodies, singing like arrows up to heaven.

Widow, the compassionate trees bend in,
The trees of loneliness, the trees of mourning.
They stand like shadows about the green landscape-
Or even like black holes cut out of it.
A widow resembles them, a shadow-thing,

Hand folding hand, and nothing in between.
A bodiless soul could pass another soul
In this clear air and never notice it-
One soul pass through the otherm frail as smoke
And utterly ignorant of the way it took.

That is the fear she has-the fear
His soul may beat and be beating at her dull sense
Like blue Mary's angel, dove-like against a pane
Blinded to all but the grey spiritless room
It looks in on, and must go on looking in on.


Moments of Being said...

wow, very moving...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like er-mao is into flight simulation. :-)

菊子 said...

Do they say "check" in flight simulation? I know "Roger" means "yes" too. :)

Anonymous said...

actually "roger" means "fully understood". :-)

don't the pilot and the co-pilot go through a pre-flight check list, with pilot speaking out one item at a time, and the co-pilot saying "check" in response?

斋主's son should be able to answer your question.

read a lot lately, uh? nice. 81zi

菊子 said...

Sigh. I know "nice" means I wish you weren't just reading some boring stuff. :) Super busy at work today.

P.S. Da Mao is taking ski lessons this vacation week, and is already a good skiier. :)

Found this at Yahoo's home page.

Roger is a word used in one prominent radio alphabet to stand for the letter R. These alphabets use words to represent letters; such alphabets are known as "radio alphabets" or "phonetic alphabets," among other names, and are used for many different languages. The alphabet in which Roger stands for R begins "Able Baker Charlie Dog...," and was the official radio alphabet of the U.S. Navy before 1954. Another familiar alphabet, the NATO phonetic alphabet, which is used by the International Civil Aviation Organization and the Federal Aviation Administration, begins "Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta"; this alphabet uses Romeo for R. There is a page devoted to these alphabets here.

The R that Roger is substituting for stands for received, indicating that a radio message has been received and understood. The use of radio-alphabet terms to stand for other words is common in the military; roger is a well-known example, and another example is Charlie referring to Viet Cong troops, which comes from Victor Charlie, a radio-alphabet spelling of VC for Viet Cong.

Wilco is not from a radio alphabet; it's a military abbreviation for will comply, indicating that a message that has been received will be complied with. It's necessary to acknowledge receipt of a message with Roger before indicating compliance with wilco, hence the frequent combination Roger, wilco.

Both Roger in this sense and wilco appear for the first time during World War II


Anonymous said...





菊子 said...
