Sunday, September 18, 2005



戏里面许多场景,让我想起前不久看过的"Odepeus". 一样的荒原景色,路旁的庙宇,奇异的河流,一样的不可调和的冲突,只不过 Odepeus 面临的是宿命与人为的冲突,而僧人面对的是此世与彼世、俗世与灵修的冲突。



Another movie that I could watch more than once within a week: Indochine. With Catherine Deneuve. Watch it in French and listen to the man and the woman express their love and pain in that passionate language - the language of love. :)

"I'll never understand French people's love stories - full of folly, fury and suffering... like our wars." -- Rich Asian Woman


Anonymous said...

Ah! You just revealed that you are not a religious person. You certainly offer one powerful reasoning, but people with strong believe can also put up their arguments against you. Anyway, it’s always easier for someone with conviction to live a happy life. Those who cannot make up their mind or have to across the line suffer the most. Their journey could be the basis of an interesting movie, though. :)

Thanks for your recommending! I’ve made a mental note to check out this movie.


菊子 said...

Haha, don't think you've seen anything that I havn't revealed elsewhere. Go back to CND and read my "Golden Jerusalem."

You have to finish watching the movie. The other side of the story is: one can reach the sublime through the most mundane daily exisitence. :)

Remember I've been reading Emerson nowadays, if you are really following my footprints. :)

Anonymous said...

