Sunday, November 07, 2010

Emily Dickinson 独角戏

今天Patriots和Cleveland Browns对阵,一点钟开打,打到半场17:7落后。看看希望不大,就出去看艾米莉·狄金森独角戏了。还不错。观众照样是花白头发居多;年轻一代都是从Youtube、Facebook、Twitter上得到他们的信息和娱乐,就算喜欢艾米莉·狄金森的,大约也是从网上去读她的诗了。

不过现场表演还是有它的魅力的。戏开幕前主持人就请大家把手机关上或改成震动,但偏偏有些人就是老眼昏花,手机都响起来了还是来不及关。结果里面打电话的人的声音都出来了:Hello,Hello,正好是个女的,倒让人觉得好像是艾米莉从坟墓里和大家说话。:) Tom Daley听到了,揶揄了两次。倒也无伤大雅。

穿插着朗诵了很多艾米莉·狄金森的诗,和她的一些信件。也略微穿插了一些八卦。最引人注目的新信息就是,艾米莉·狄金森和她家的爱尔兰仆人相当亲近,她的一个女仆Maggie Maher 把她的一些诗篇藏在柜子里,另一位男仆将它们抄下来诵读。这些诗在当时都很石破天惊,若是传出去,会损害她的名声。

艾米莉·狄金森临死前,吩咐爱尔兰总管汤姆·凯里(Tom Kelley)为自己的Pallbearer,就是送葬时的抬棺人,并且吩咐他另找五位爱尔兰人一起抬棺。艾米莉·狄金森死后,这几位仆人从后门中将她抬出。艾米莉家是加尔文新教徒,爱尔兰天主教徒是受歧视的,艾米莉这样的安排,是相当离经叛道的。


Every Broom & Bridget: Tom Daley's one-man play about Emily Dickinson & her servants
Today, Sunday, Nov 7 3:00p
at Emerson Umbrella Center for the Arts, Concord, MA

The poet Emily Dickinson's complex relationship with her Irish servants comes alive in this play. In a one-man performance, the playwright, Tom Daley, channels Dickinson and other characters through the voice of Tom Kelley, her Irish-born groundskeeper, whom Dickinson appointed her chief pallbearer, shocking the Yankee upper crust of Amherst. read more
Price: $10 suggested
Phone: (978) 897-0054
Age Suitability: Teens and up
Tags: theater, concord, emily dickinson, concord poetry center, tom daley

The poet Emily Dickinson's complex relationship with her Irish servants comes alive in this play. In a one-man performance, the playwright, Tom Daley, channels Dickinson and other characters through the voice of Tom Kelley, her Irish-born groundskeeper, whom Dickinson appointed her chief pallbearer, shocking the Yankee upper crust of Amherst. The play weaves excerpts from Dickinson's poems & letters with recollections of her servants & friends. The performance benefits the Concord Poetry Center.

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