Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tune In Tomorrow/Anything Else

原来还有电影。1990年的 Tune In Tomorrow, 根据 Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter 改编的。背景搬到了美国, New Orleans, part of America that can be as light-hearted as South America. 喜剧色彩更浓,原有的严肃、复杂的内容都被过滤掉或者漫画化。一路Jazz音乐,也是轻松快活的为主。

Aunt Julia 稍老了些,不过演得还活泼。“我”是 Keanu Reeves. 不是他的饭,不过他在这里演得还算可以——美国演员里能够不眨眼地说那些南美人自然而然说出的 sweet nothing 的,大概也就是他了。不过最出彩的还是糟老头 Peter Falk, 有一阵爱看他演的侦探 Columbo. 演得可爱。结尾也不像小说那样颓唐。看得人高兴。

我没撒谎吧,The Scriptwriter 张口闭口都是 art.电影改了不少,这一点没改掉,最棒的台词都是 art 兮兮的:

Pedro Carmichael: Life is a shitstorm, and when it's raining shit the best umbrella is art.

Pedro Carmichael: Okay, you've gone belly up in Shit's Creek. You need a paddle real bad. What do you reach for? ART! That's what I'm talking about. The very apex of your art! I want to hear your sinews crack and strain. I want your souls... to enter those microphones and emerge, like ghosts, in the homes of our listeners. There's an army of them out there, groping blindly, toiling in the darkness, waiting... For what? For YOU! For your incandescent, brilliant, palpitating talent to light up their miserable, impoverished, dull, and worthless lives. (pause) Okay gang, take five, and then we'll hit it.

Anything Else

Woody Allen 还是不错的。当不成帅老头儿,当糟老头儿也行。糟亦有道啊。不是说他娶继女的事儿啊。那天听到他采访,说自己懒,要拍电影,在纽约找一条街就拍了。还说,你就不会听人说无敌·艾伦跑到沙漠里,一蹲两年,拍什么 Lawrence of Arabia。

Woody Allen 电影里的女主角都很有特色。So far 我觉得最不好玩儿的是 Anything Else. 大概是因为有点太写实,就不够搞笑了。Woody本人还行,"I, I'm of the Hebrew persuasion", 自己号称是无神论者,听人贬低犹太教,又神叨叨地去拼老命

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