Thursday, May 17, 2007

Fear of Flying; Sappho's Leap

Fear of Flying翻了几页,一打开就被吸引住了。印证了我的老感觉:看名作家的成名作,总是不亏的,不管成的是什么样的名,终究有个成名的理由,即便是“盛名之下,其实难负”,起码也告诉我们,为什么读者们会喜欢它。

Erica Jong的“专业”是女人的性,性感觉和性幻想。才看了几页,就觉得它比Parachuts and Kisses要好看:大约是厚积薄发的缘故吧。上来就把来自纽约的一群精神分析学家嘲弄了一通,更有意思的是,他们飞行的目的地正好还就是弗罗依德的老家维也纳。

嘿嘿,纽约,犹太人,知识群体,专业人士,过于聪明,过于成功,却又嘟嘟囔囔,抱怨不停,在家抱怨老婆老公嫌烦,没人爱听,于是就花大价钱去看Shrink, Shrink的专业就是专门听人家的唠叨,听完了,自己又心烦,烦了之后不知道向谁抱怨,只好向病人抱怨,结果病人和医生爱上了,然后离婚再婚,前妻后妻,继父继子,继母继女,搞不好继父还娶了继女(Woody Allen娶了老婆Mia的养女),瞧这一个乱。

有些Woody Allen的意思,伶牙俐齿外带尖酸刻薄。性语言直露了些,不过,矫枉必须过正,不这样也没有人会把她当回事。:)好看的应该还在后头。Woody Allen写的是窝囊犹太男人的性幻想,Erica Jong写的是漂亮犹太女人的性幻想,女人还是虚荣,就是在小说中,也舍不得把自己写丑了。:)

Sappho's Leap 是 Erica Jong写萨福的,Jong本人是个还不错的诗人,对古代爱情诗人感兴趣是自然的。书印得也清爽宜人,可惜没有时间看,等着吧,等度假的时候在海滩上躺着看。

憧憬ing ...
From Wiki:

Fear of Flying is a 1973 novel by Erica Jong, which became famously controversial for its attitudes towards female sexuality, and figured in the development of feminism.

The novel is narrated by its protagonist, Isadora Zelda White Stollerman Wing, an unpublished poet. On a trip to Vienna with her second husband, Isadora decides to indulge her sexual fantasies with another man. The book resonated with women who felt stuck in unfulfilled marriages,[1], and it has sold more than twenty million copies worldwide. Jong has denied that the novel is autobiographical, but admits that it has autobiographical elements。

Zipless fuck

In the novel, Jong coined the term "zipless fuck", which soon entered the popular lexicon. A "zipless fuck" is defined as a sexual encounter for its own sake, without emotional involvement or commitment, between two previously unacquainted persons.


Anonymous said...


菊子 said...

哦,她老爹姓Mann,也是从Samuel Weisman改来的,来自波兰的犹太音乐家。老妈是俄国犹太后裔。


这本书果然不仅仅是一本 sex shocker。

Anonymous said...


正在Amazon用search inside功能看开头。

想买一本尊师写的Herbert Samuel: A Political Life留在手边备查,148美刀,差点没把我吓晕过去:-(

菊子 said...


记得他那本书出来时说过:I spent 12 years on that bloody thing. ;)当然与此同时他还出了很多别的书。