Why? Because funnies are funny.
最近忙,也没工夫看书,New Yorker 来了也没看。昨天清理东西,偶尔看到了随CD寄来的catalog,是给他们的漫画作广告的,哈哈,笑得我。漫画是最高幽默,幽默是最高智慧。 记住了Saul Steinberg的名字,漫画家,作家,哲学家,等等,等等,有空一定多找些他的东西来看。当然也可能永远没空。

Saul Steinberg
View of the World from 9th Avenue, 1976.
Ink, pencil, colored pencil, and watercolor on paper, 28 x 19".
Cover drawing for The New Yorker, March 29, 1976.
Private collection.
你以为你自己登临绝顶,可以纵观全世界,你以为你身处闹市,实际上我们每个人都是 incredibly provincial ——人都受环境的限制的。知道了自己的局限,然后才可以旷达。
Childproof: Cartoons About Parents and Children

Bad Mom's Cards
这个太好玩了。我一直就知道,the essential feeling of parenting/ motherhood is not love, but guilt. :) 看到别的妈妈也和我一样觉得罪恶滔天,哈哈,如释重负。
New Yorkistan, Dec. 10, 2001
Maira Kalman & Rick Meyerowitz
"New Yorkistan" is the title of the cover art for the 2001-12-10 edition of The New Yorker magazine. It was created by Maira Kalman and Rick Meyerowitz[1] and is according to the American Society of Magazine Editors #14 on the list of the top 40 magazine covers of the past 40 years.[2]. It depicts the boroughs of New York City, as well as individual neighborhoods within the city, giving each a humorous name (a "funny mixture of Yiddish, Farsi, and New Yorkisms"[3]) based on the history or geography of that area of the city, while playfully using names or suffixes common to the Middle East, such as "istan". Thus the title, "New Yorkistan".

我们这里有个“New Yorker” club.
一党人都拿这本杂志当接头暗号。 你是下一个党员。
我其实没有订New Yorker,只是买了合订的CD。家里订的杂志都没有工夫看,Time这几期连封面我都不敢看。偶尔有空才翻翻。包括其中的funnies. :)
New Yorkstan? 暗指纽约的出租车都已被巴基斯坦人和包头巾的锡克人包干了?这帮犹太人,有话也不明说! 81zi
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