Sunday, February 14, 2010

呼唤夏天 :)

昨天去逛贸,本来还是开玩笑,跟人说去买草帽、沙滩拖鞋、防晒霜,心里并没有指望能够买得到这类东西,不过是自我调侃,进入某种心理状态而已。天寒地冻,夏季物事还早着呢,起码要到五六月份上市不是。没想到,一进商店,迎面主要区段摆的竟然就是泳装,鞋架上最醒目的位置摆的都是踢踏鞋(flip-flops). 顿时乐得蹦跳,高高兴兴揽了一大堆,屁颠屁颠尽兴而归。

交钱的时候,表扬售货员:真好啊,你们现在就进这些货了。她笑:We are sick of this winter. We just want it to be over. 心有灵犀啊。如果花点钱就能让夏天早点来到,我们毫无怨言。

记得去年也是这时候买了一套泳装,在商店里偶尔看见一套湖蓝色的比基尼,流连忘返舍不得离开。巴掌大的两块布加上几根小带子,就花了我一件大衣的价钱,还是毫不犹豫地买回来了。:) 伴随着比基尼的,是夏天,阳光,沙滩,温暖和闲散(的意念)。





Under Tiger Attack?

Strained times are ahead for the U.S. president: Barack Obama is an ox man, and the Year of the Ox coincided with his freshman year. One prediction calls for him to "shine with flying colors," while another sees "a bloody hard time"—but if he survives a trial by tiger, his remaining term will be a breeze.

His days, though, won't be as bad as those for monkey men like U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Toyota president Akio Toyoda... and as recent recalls show, Toyoda's bad luck has already started.

Given his recent travails, the question is inevitable: What does the Year of the Tiger have in store for Tiger Woods? Things are looking a bit grim for Woods (born in the Year of the Rabbit, by the way). One soothsayer declares his "long-term fortune is on the decline." Maybe now's a good time for a Tiger to lie low.

1 comment:

BBB said...

